Many people though they identify a mail as a fradulent one's, they just skip as such and proceed with their work. Some reasons for this is that they don't want to spend time on reporting or they are not aware of where to report a phishing attack. Major percent of people all over the world is not aware of where to report a fradulent email or site. Here's some of anti-phishing group who fight against phishing. Ah! now you may report phishing, spam and privacy related problems in any of the group below.
1.) Anti-Phishing Working Group -
2.) Federal Trade Commission -
3.) United States CERT - and more.
Lets start fighting against phishing togeather and save our people from being cheated.
Hi,I am Yuvaraj (Yuvi),From my recent readings I analysed that Internet Security is the need of the hour (2006) and TRUST ME between 2018 - 2025 there will increased online security threats as everything will go digital. So I am interested in covering IT, Technology & Security Industry News on my webblog. This Blog would also share and discuss about the imporatance of Secure EV SSL Digital Certificate Technology, VPN , Internet Security and other related online website security measures.
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