Monday, July 03, 2006

Where must we consider Internet Security?

The practice of protecting, preventing the PC from hackers and preserving private information and resources on the world wide web is termed to be internet security, Web Security, Website Security or Control Internet Access. Not only this but also there are few steps which needs to done to protect our PC too!

To secure our private inforamtion and PC some of the following features needs to be fulfilled. These might be like the below.

Routers - improves the security of a home LAN

Firewalls - Filters some bad website / content that create defense in depth.

Viruses, worms and trojan horses - Hackers are people who are in some unreputable companies writing programs like viruses, worms, trojan horses and spyware. These programs are all unwanted softwares that would be developed in a way that it install automatically in our computer through deception.

Browser choice - The one which should be consider while surfing on internet is the browser. Hackers prime target for phishing is by these kinds of browsers. So a secure browser or a software that secures your browser needs to be installed.

And some of the others where security needs to be considered is like Spyware, adware etc.

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